FAQ » iHub Travel Affiliates

iHub provides it's affiliates with several different links and tools you can use invite someone to, or promote iHub Travel found here: https://travel.ihub.global/travel/dashboard

To learn more on how to use these tools, please visit our video training at: https://app.ihub.global/support/training/ihub-travel-training-how-to-use-and-promote#faq-88

You can track all of your iHub Travel referrals and leads in your Travel Affiliate Dashboard located here: https://travel.ihub.global/travel/dashboard

To learn more about how to use and understand your Travel Affiliate Dashboard you can watch the video training here: https://app.ihub.global/support/training/ihub-travel-training-how-to-use-and-promote#faq-86

All iHub related product commissions can be found in your iHub Commission Backoffice located here: https://app.ihub.global/commissions

To learn more on how to withdraw your iHub Travel commissions, please watch our detailed video training here: https://app.ihub.global/support/training/ihub-travel-training-how-to-use-and-promote#faq-89

iHub Travel Commissions are issued every Saturday, so every 7 days. The first commission payout for iHub Travel is scheduled for April 9th 2022.

The iHub Travel Commission Holding Tank is a feature in the iHub Commission Backoffice located in the left side menu under: Travel Product > Holding Tank.

This feature allows iHub affiliates to strategically position new referrals into their coded teams (Pro, Bronze, Silver, Gold), as oppose to automatically and chronologically placing affiliates in your team. Please note that referrals only remain in the holding tank for a maximum of 7 days, and are automatically placed into your downline on each commissions run date (every Saturday).

Please Note:  iHub is currently working on a detailed video training on both the Holding Tank, and iHub Travel Compensation Plan overview.

Boomerang is a feature of the iHub Travel $39.99 Premium Membership subscription. It allows you to invite non iHub members to try iHub Travel and receive 50% of the potential savings that they would if they were an iHub Travel subscriber. When you invite someone using Boomerang and they book any reservation, the remaining 50% of savings get applied to your iHub Travel account as reward credits. You can now use your rewards credits towards future booking for yourself!

To summarize, you can save your friends and family money by inviting them to book their travel with iHub Travel, and you get rewarded for doing so!

Yes you can! iHub Travel is a product and service that is a part of the iHub Marketplace. As an iHub affiliate you can refer others to subscribe to a monthly iHub Travel Membership.

Direct Referral Earnings:

  • Basic membership - If you directly refer someone to iHub Travel and they subscribe to the $19.99/mo Basic membership, you will earn $5.00/mo for the time that they are an active subscriber.

  • Premium membership - If you directly refer someone to iHub Travel and they subscribe to the $39.99/mo Premium membership, you will earn $10.00/mo for the time that they are an active subscriber.

Coded Commissions:

  • If you indirectly refer someone to iHub Travel, meaning that someone in your iHub downline or team refers them, you still have the opportunity to earn a smaller percentage of the subscription. We are currently working on a compensation training that explains the earning potentials of iHub Travel Coded Commissions. Please note: In order to receive coded commissions, you must at all given times maintain at least 3 active iHub Travel Customer subscriptions.

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