Support Guidelines - We're here to help
To best serve and support our users, please take the time to read through the following guidelines:
What to do if you need help:
  • If you have a General Question or Issue:
    1. Check the Training Videos section - Watch the videos
    2. Read through the frequently asked questions carefully
    3. Look through any updates or announcements in the Support Center (we keep it updated)
    4. Ask your sponsor for help - they are here as your personal support.
    5. If you can't find your answer to your question anywhere, only then submit a ticket.
    6. Provide as much information like screenshots, dates, ID numbers, descriptions as possible to help us help you
  • If you think you found a bug or error:
    1. Try refreshing or reloading the webpage
    2. Try closing and re-opening your web browser
    3. Determine if the issue is happening on more than one device
    4. If you are still experiencing the issue or error, only then Submit a Ticket.
  • Periodically visit the support center for known issues, updates, and latest training.
  • Attend our Live Webinars every week to stay ahead with community news and announcements directly from iHub's Leadership Team.
What NOT TO DO if you need help:
  • If you have an Question or Issue:
    1. Do not contact HeliumTrack software developers and support staff on their personal phones or email. Please respect their privacy, and use the appropriate channels.
    2. Do not submit a ticket before completing the Training Videos
    3. Do not submit a ticket before reading through the Frequently Asked Questions
    4. Do not submit support requests via text messages, facebook or social media. Please use the support channels provided as you will not get a response using other methods.
    5. Do not submit support tickets or requests asking for special treatment.
    6. Do not submit support tickets or requests asking when specific software features will be launched or available - The answer is as soon as possible!

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