FAQ » Vantage - Wellness Employee FAQ

A wellness plan is an action plan to support your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Experts say that wellness practices like eating healthy foods, incorporating stress relievers into your day, and practicing mindfulness may help you live a better life, so it's worthwhile to build a plan that works for you.  

An employer-sponsored wellness program aims to address one or more health issues to help prevent or manage disease. Take your program to the next level through a social wellness platform that can track progress, integrate with fitness devices, and incentivize success. The complexity of the program depends on the desired outcomes and wellness strategy your company has defined.  

Some employers take a wild guess and simply guess or randomly select the best benefit to start with. Take out the guesswork and find your focus through the health risk assessment. Once you complete the HRA you can meet with your personal health coach privately and confidentially. They will be able to set your focus on where to begin.  

Your wellness plan is accessible through an app called PHD (Personal Health Dashboard). Once enrolled, you will receive an email that will provide you with a link and portal access instructions to your wellness plan. You will also have online access to your life insurance policy.  

There are a variety of benefits that include family members, like dependents such as spouses and children in your household. 24/7 Telemedicine care with $0 copays, Virtual Urgent Care, and Physician on the Go are just to name a few. Counseling sessions include 3 sessions per topic per dependent. See your portal for more details.  

Zero Net dollars. You will see the line items in your paycheck showing the deductions with the government-approved cash reimbursement. Benefits are paid for with FICA Tax Savings which means there is NO-Net-Out-of-Pocket cost. Less taxes. More benefits. 

Yes. But why would you want to? The 360 Wellness Plan benefits provide access to multiple benefits that save you money that you are spending today. Not to mention the Cash Value Life Insurance Policy that you receive. You also have 30 days to make up your mind.  

Wellness is achieved by taking action for your overall well-being. You are your only advocate for that outcome. Taking action is the only way to improve. Doing nothing will not help you. To receive 360 Wellness Plan Benefits, like the Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance with Cash Value, quarterly participation is easy to accomplish. Update our portal with the action you are already taking, which completes your quarterly requirements with little to no effort.  

While the 360 Wellness Plans provide access to virtual healthcare and Mental Wellness benefits, one of our highlighted benefits is the Universal Life Insurance Policy. This is a guaranteed issue policy. Meaning there are no medical exam or health requirements. It provides a cash value with a guaranteed interest rate. Life happens which is why it also provides benefits to accelerate your death benefit while you are alive for a chronic condition or terminal illness. You own this policy which means if you leave this employer, you can take the policy with you and fund it through your personal bank account. 

4 New Line Items -  Pre-Tax deduction;  Reimbursement (non-taxable); The Wellness Plan, and the Universal Life Insurance Premium are both post tax.

  • Tax savings are generated when the Pre-Tax Deduction is completed. This helps lower how much taxes are taken out. 

  • The Reimbursement is a Post-Tax line item to refund the amount from the Pre-Tax Deduction. So the net pay doesn't change.

No, this benefit is just like a medical expense write-off at the end of the year, this one is just done in a paycheck.

No, your primary health care will not be affected. The Wellness Plan will provide health benefits for preventing disease and promoting health.

1 time per quarter (every three months) - You are also given a grace period of 90 days if you do not meet the previous quarter's requirements.

  • Login into to your app and complete any of the following:

    • Take a Health Risk assessment, Watch a video, track your steps, upload co-pay receipts from doctor's visits, access any of the multiple benefits, receive counseling services for the whole family, receive 24/7 telehealth services to avoid crowded waiting rooms, complete a predictive disease analysis, the options are endless. After you enroll, you will be given access and can start exploring your benefits right away!

  • Download the PHD (Personal Health Dashboard) app on your phone

  • Login with your web browser for the Wellness Plan or your Universal Life Insurance Policy

No, this policy is a guaranteed issue - meaning there is no concern over pre-existing conditions. You automatically qualify.

The Universal Life Insurance is portable. You own this policy and can take it with you as long as you keep funding it through your private bank account. The Wellness plan is not portable.

This will affect .06% of the contribution. Keep in mind that the cash value accumulation in the life insurance policy earns guaranteed interest monthly and can be accessed tax-free.

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