๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Must See Announcements at iHub Global! Official Community Update in a Nutshell

iHub Global Official Community Update

It's been an incredible past few weeks at iHub, filled with updates, progress, and important announcements! 

We wanted to take the time and update you on what's going on and important community updates:

  1. State of The Union Address Live Webinar (Watch the Replay)
  2. Hotspot Shipping Schedule Update (US Only)
  3. International Hotspot Updates (Canada & Europe)
  4. iHub IoT Product Line & Sensor Kits In the Works!
  5. 8000 Hotspot Antenna's Have Landed
  6. iHub Marketplace Launch Event - Rescheduled
  7. CoinZoom is Live + $25K Giveaway
  8. New Video Trainings
    • Setting up your Hotspot (RAK, Nebra, Linxdot)
    • Upgrading your Helium Hotspot Micro SD Card
  9. New Features in iHub Backoffice / HeliumTrack:
    • New Hotspot Manager (Menu)
    • Hotspot Order Summary
    • Hotspot Order Coupon System
    • New Hotspot Viewer
State of the Union Address with iHub Team

Last night we had a jam-packed webinar, with the iHub Core Executive team sharing important updates, new projects and announcements.


Here's what we talked about in summary - Further in this email we break down each of these more information, expectations, and delivery dates.

  • Rick Cotton, iHub Global CEO & Founder
    Rick shared how he's made a tremendous health recovery, and is back in full swing and continues leading the way with iHub's long-term vision. He also talks about new iHub projects, opportunities, and upcoming events. More importantly, he shared new and exciting updates about iHub's international business operations kicking off in Canada and Europe in the coming weeks. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Read more below under "International Hotspot Updates (Canada & Europe)"
  • Steve Brumer, iHub IoT Partner
    Steve has been working with iHub behind the scenes for months, and is here to direct our IoT Network applications and product line. Last night he shared information about some really impressive iHub IoT products / kits which are in the pipeline! ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Read more below under "iHub IoT Product Line & Sensor Kits In the Works!"
  • Thomas Gallagher, iHub Chief Legal Officer & Council
    Thomas has been a BIG part of iHub, also working vigerously behind the scenes. We are beyond thrilled and please to announce that Thomas has decided to join the iHub Team in an official capacity as our Chief Legal Officer & Council! There simply isn't enough space in this email to describe the value, work-ethic, and major accomplishments that Thomas bring to iHub. Welcome to the Team!
  • Eric Zhivalyuk, iHub Chief Information Officer
    Eric shared some incredible updates on how well iHub is positioned for our mass deployment from the technology side. Now with 5 full-time top level software developers, they are delivering all of the necessary solutions to streamline, scale, and automate our mass hotspot provisioning and fulfillment This means more hotspots getting delivered to the iHub community faster. He also shared some new features and updates in the iHub backoffice and Heliumtrack which give more actionable information on the uptime, downtime, and performance of hotspots. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Read more below under "New Features in iHub Backoffice / HeliumTrack"
  • Ilija Cankovic, iHub Chief Financial Officer
    Ilija has been working day and night, and is our primary point of contact directly with Hotspot Manufacturers, negotiating massive purchase orders, and securing inventory for iHub's mass deployment. On last nights call he shared some updates, timelines and expectations for our US mass hotspot deployment. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Read more below under "Hotspot Shipping Schedule Update (US Only)"

iHub Hotspot Deployment Update (US Only)

The iHub team has been working vigorously to ensure hotspots are at your door as soon as possible. Here's the latest...

 Linxdot Hotspots

Due to several factors including the Chinese New Year, and new Helium Firmware updates that need to be applied, our Linxdot hotspots are behind schedule. 
Here is the updated delivery schedule for our Linxdot Units:
  • Linxdot Units are being shipped from Hong Kong on February 19th 2022 via air shipment
  • They are expected to arrive between February 22nd - February 24th
  • From there the iHub Team has facilities, staff, and processes in place to provision and ship these units as soon as possible on a daily basis.
Nebra Rock Pi Hotspots

These Nebra units are now in production at Nebra Facilities, and are on track to be shipped / delivered to iHub facilities around March 1st 2022, closely following the delivery of our Linxdot units.

If you have not ordered your hotspot yet, get started:


International Hotspot Updates (Canada & Europe)

Canada Hotspot Deployment
We currently have 10,000 hotspots on the ground in Toronto. Simultaneously, iHub is finalizing our business entity registration out of Quebec to be able to legitimately conduct business operations in Canada. 
This registration should be finalized on Tuesday February 15th. We will quickly follow up with official communications regarding deployment, order information, and additional expectations. Please note: These units will not be available through our lease / deposit model but will be available for outright purchase for iHub Affiliates.
EU Hotspot Deployment
We currently have 10,000 hotspots on the ground in Turkey. Simultaneously, iHub is finalizing our business entity registration out of Ireland to be able to legitimately conduct business operations in Europe. 
This registration should be finalized on Tuesday February 15th. We will quickly follow up with official communications regarding deployment, order information, and additional expectations. Please note: These units will not be available through our lease / deposit model but will be available for outright purchase for iHub Affiliates.

iHub IoT Product Line & Sensor Kits Launch

iHub is proud to announce that our IoT Network product line and sensor kits are officially in works. These products and sensors will used for practical and daily applications for home and business. They will work by directly communicating with your hotspots, and deliver new ways for iHub member to earn.
We can expect these products to become available to the iHub Marketplace in the next 45-60 days!

8,000 Hotspot Antennas Have Landed!

Over 8,000 Hotspot Antennas (5.8dbi / 8dbi) are on the ground, ready for shipment! We have another 7,000 antenna's on the way from production facilities. We are issuing approximately 1,000 - 2,000 voucher codes per week at this time via SMS and Email.

Click here to see if you've received your voucher code

If you don't see the ability to get your voucher code yet, don't worry you'll be receiving an email and SMS message with instructions soon!


iHub Marketplace Launch - Rescheduled

New Date! March 19th at 3PM EST

We have rescheduled our event to launch the iHub Marketplace with CoinZoom 25K Giveaway.

The iHub Marketplace offers new and exciting ways for iHub members to earn with additional opportunities!

New Free Live Streamed Event Date: March 19th at 3PM EST!

CoinZoom is Live at iHub Global + $25K Giveaway

CoinZoom is now Live at iHub Global! - Get your CoinZoon Account Now!

CoinZoom is a Crypto Wallet and Trading Platform that allows you to Deposit, Buy, Sell, Trade, Send & Spend Crypto! You can use a Visa Debit card connected to your CoinZoom Wallet to shop at over 53 million merchants!
CoinZoom $25K Crypto Giveway!
CoinZoom is giving away $1000 of Crypto to 25 iHub Members for our Marketplace Launch Event on March 19th (Info Above)

New Training Videos in the iHub Support Center

Setting up and Installing your Hotspot (RAK, Nebra, Linxdot)

New video training course that walks you through how to setup and install various different types of Helium Hotspot Miners provided by iHub including RAK, Nebra, and Linxdot. We also show you how to change your hotspot from using Ethernet to WiFi.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Watch the Video Training
Upgrading your Helium Hotspot Micro SD Card

New video training course that shows you step by step how to upgrade your RAK Hotspot MicroSD card using a new 64gb SD card. (Smaller 32GB Micro SD cards that came with RAK units could get filled up and affect the performance of your your mining rewards)

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Watch the Video Training

New Features in iHub Backoffice / HeliumTrack

New Hotspot Manager, Order Summary, and Coupon System!

We are excited to announce our new Hotspot Manager. 

A global and easily accessible dropdown menu that points you to all things related to your hotspots. Access everything from ordering a new hotspot, overseeing your existing orders, accessing your active hotspots, and all the relevant training is just a click away.

New Hotspot Views - Now Live (My Hotspots, Hosted Hotspots, Network Hotspots)

We are excited to announce our New Hotspot Views!

These new pages break categorize all the hotspots that associated with your account, giving you more visibility and insights. To access these new section, you can use the newly launched Hotspot Manager drop-down menu for web and mobile, and clicking on "Hotspot Viewer".

Please note: When going to the Hotspot Viewer, only sections that are relevant to your account will be shown. If you do not see all the sections from the screenshots below, it is simply because there is not associated data with that section on your account.


That's all for now folks!
Have a great weekend! And expect more updates soon to follow!


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